고려대학교 언어학과

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  • 고려대학교
  • English


김성도 교수

직위 또는 학위 : Univ. de Paris X, Ph.D. Linguistics

한글이름 : 김성도

전화번호 : 02-3290-2175

이메일 : dodo@korea.ac.kr

연구분야 : 언어이론, 문자학, 사회언어학, 언어인류학, 매체학, 서사학, 기호학, 언어사상사

사무실 : 구법관 308호


경력(영문)Education :


1986, BA (French Language and Literature), Korea University 


1987, MA(Linguistics) (Translation Studies), University of Paris X


1988, DEA (Oriental Linguistics), L’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris


1991, Ph.D. (Linguistics and Semiotics), University of Paris X 


1991-92, Exchange Ph.D. Student City University of New York & MIT



Teaching and Research Experiences :
1992-94, Translator and Presenter for the International Broadcasting Program (French Section), KBS Radio
1992-95, Lecturer, Dept. of French Language and Literature and Dept. of Linguistics, Korea University 
1994-95, Lecturer, Dept. of French Language and Literature, Seoul National University, Korea 
1995-Present, Professor of the Department of Linguistics, Korea University 
2001-Present,Founder and Committee member of the interdisciplinary program for visual culture studies, Korea Universit
1996-97, Invited Research Professor, L’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (invited by the French Foreign Minister)
1998-99, Invited Research Scholar, University of Toronto (Grant by the Canadian Foreign Minister)
2001-02, Invited Visiting Professor, Oxford University, Dept. of History of Art and Center for Visual Studies (invited by Professor Martin Kemp)
2004 (Winter), Distinguished Invited Professor, University of Limoges, France 
2007-08, Researcher, POSCO TJ Park Foundation Asian Humanities and Social Studies Fellowship
2008-09, Invited Visiting Professor, Harvard University, Dept. of History of Art(invited Professor Eugene Wang)
2010 (Winter), Doctoral dissertation literature jury chairperson, the University of Burgundy, France
2012-13 Invited Visiting Professor, Cambridge University, Dept. of Sociology (invited by JohnThompson )
2013 (Winter), Endowed Chair Professor, the University of Le Havre, France 
2006-2018,Founder and Director of the CACS (Center for applied cultural science)
2010-Present,Honorary chair-Professor, the University of Burgundy, France
2018 (August-September). Invited Professor, the University of Qom (Iran), the University of the Tarbiat Modares (Iran)
Research Areas:
Anthropological (re)interpretation of the Korean traditional culture (in comparative reference to the East Asian Culture)
Media Archeology of the (Pre)modern Korea (in comparative reference to the East Asian Media History) 
A new grammatology of the Korean Alphabet 
Visual and Cultural Theories (including visual culture)
Epistemology and History of Linguistic Theories
Studies on Peirce
History and Epistemology of Contemporary French Thoughts
Prehistory & History of Graphism  
Interaction between text, writing, and speech
Theoretical and applied semiotics
History and Theory of Media (from Book to Hypermedia)
Culinary semiotics
Poetics of Urban Space
Activities of Association:
1999-Present,Executive member of IASS (International Association for Semiotic Studies)
2015-2018,President of Korean Association for Visual Culture
2014-Present,Vice President & Review Editor of International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS)
2017-Present,Review Editor of Korean Association for Semiotic Studies (KASS)
2017-Present, Vice-President of International Association for Humanistic Studies in Language
2019-2024, (September, Buenos Aires). Reelected as Vice President of International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS)
2020. Invited professor, the CNRS (French National Research Center of sciences)
논문 및 저서(영문) :
Books Authored and Translated: 
1993, (Co-authored) Historiography of Linguistics, John Benjamins Publishing Company. 
1995, (Translated) H. Parret's Ideas on Current Semiotics, Seoul: Theory and Practice; Translation of 9 articles by H. Parret.  
1996, (Translated) Grammatology, Seoul: Minumsa; Translation of Jacques Derrida, De la grammatologie, Paris: Minuit, 1967.
1996, (Co-authored) 103 Thoughts in 20th Century, Seoul: Minumsa. 
1997, (Edited and Translated) On Meaning, Seoul: Ingansarang; Translation of A.J. Greimas, On Meaning, Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota, 1987.
1998, Lectures on Contemporary Semiotics, Seoul: Minumsa. 
1998, (Co-authored) Developments in Modern Semiotics, Seoul: Seoul National University Press. 
1998, (Co-translated) The Science of Words, Seoul: Minumsa; Translation of George A. Miller, The Science of Words, Scientific American Library, 1991.
1999, (Co-authored) The Life of Images, Seoul: Thinking Tree Publishing Company. 
1999, From Logos to Mythos, Paju: Hangilsa. (Nominated “Excellent work” by the Korean Academy of Science)
1999, (Co-authored) Semiotics: Bridging Nature and Culture, Adrian Gimate-Welsh. 
2000, (Co-authored) The Structuralist Revolution, Seoul: Seoul National University Press. 
2002, From Structure to Emotion, Seoul: Korea University Press. (Nominated “Excellent work” by the Korean Academy of Science)
2002, (Co-authored) Semiotics and Philosophy and Arts, Seoul: Somyung
2003, (Co-authored) 100 Key Words to the 21st Century, Seoul: Korean Publishing Marketing Research Institute. 
2003, The Digital Language and the Transformation of the Humanities, Pusan: Kyungsung University. 
2003, Human Sciences in the Era of the Hypermedia, Seoul: Thinking Tree Publishing Company. 
2003, (Translated) Semiotics, Marketing and Communication, Paju: Nanam; Translation of Jean-Marie Floch, Semiotique, marketing et communication, PUF, 2002
2004, (Co-authored) Understanding Advertising Criticism, Hanul Academy
2005, (Co-authored) Philosophical Dictionary in Korean Language, Jisik Publishing Company. 
2006, (Edited and translated) A System of Logic, Considered as Semiotic, Seoul: Minumsa.
2007, The Sign, the Rhythm, the Cosmos, Seoul, Ingansarang 
2008, Homo Mobilicus, Seoul: Samsung Institute
2009, (Translated) Semiotics and Philosophy of Language by U. Eco, Indiana University Press, 1986
2010, Semiotics and Linguistics, Seoul: The Open Books
2010, (Translated) De la Grammatologie Paris: Minuit, 1967
2011, Retorica des Visibile, Rome: Aracne
2011, The Transformation of Culture, France, Dijon: The Dijon University Press
2011, Bild-Macht-Schrift, Gottingen: Velbrucj Wissenshaft
2013, Humanistic Approach to National Development Strategies, Seoul: Munhwa Ilbo
2014, Formes en Devenir, London: Hermes Science Publishing
2014, Anthropology of City, Seoul: Ahn Graphics
2015, The History of Modern Philosophy in France, Seoul: Changbi
2015, Narrative & Ego, Seoul: Semiosis HK Research Center
2015, l'homme-trace, Paris: CNRS
2015, Urban Semiotics, Tallinn: Tallinn University Press 
2016, Hybrid Reading, Tokyo: ShinYuuSa
2017, (Co-authored) Historiography of Linguistics, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company 
2017, (Translated) The Last Lecture of Saussure, Seoul: Minumsa Publish Group
2017, Humanistic Imagination of Ecological Restoration, Seoul: Jibmundang
2017, Linguist & Unconsciousness, Seoul: Korea University Press
2017, Linguistic Anthropology, Seoul: Book21
2020. From the structure to the sensible. Korea University Press
2021. Reading the General Course in Linguistics by Ferdinand de Saussure, Sechang Press.
 International Acadmeic Articles: 
1990, "Le mythologie Saussure est-il encore Saussure?", LINX, vol.22, University of Paris X, pp.129-144. 
1990, "Notes a propos de la terminologie saussurienne", Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure, vol. 44, Librairie Droz, pp.73-93. 
1992, "A propos de l'histoire de la semiotique", Langages, vol.107, Larousse, pp.28-37. 
1993, "La mythologie saussurienne: une nouvelle vision semiologique?", Semiotica, vol.97, International Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.5-78. 
1995, "La mythologie saussurienne comme ouverture semiologique", LINX, Special Ed., University of Paris X, pp.293-300. 
1995, "Le concept de realisme dans la philosophie de la linguistique", Philologie 6, Sendai University, pp.221-242. 
1997, "Benveniste et le paradigme de l'enonciation", LINX, Special Ed., University of Paris X, pp.211-218. 
1997, "Reflexions narratives chez Saussure", Semiotics Around the World, International Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.1007-1010. 
2000, "The Aesthetic Phenomenology of Abduction", article on the homepage of the International Research Group on Semiotics of Reasoning and Abductive Inference, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany,  
2002, "L'hypoiconicite du texte saussurien", Le signe et la lettre, L'Harmattan, pp.307-320. 
2003, "Le corps, l'univers, le temple", Semiotique non verbales et modeles de spatialite, PULIM, pp.227-241. 
2006, "Syncretic Semiotics of Hypermediality", Kodikas/Code : ARS Semiotica, Gunter Narr Verlag 
2006, "Quelques remarques sur l'ecologie culturelle de la technologie mobile", TRANS, pp.1-10. 
2005, "L'univers, le corps et le rythme: quelques remarques sémiotiques sur les temples bouddhistes coréens", Degrés, pp.1-29. 
2006, "Quelques notes épistémologiques sur la sémiotique de l’hypermédia", Degrés, vol. 126-127, pp.d1-16.  
2006, “Semiotics of natural disaster discourse in post-tsunami world: a theoretical framework”, Sign Systems Studies 34.1, pp.231-243.
2007, “Intermedialitat : Ein  Beitrag zur synkretistischen Semiotik”, Zeitschrift fur Semiotik, Band 29 Heft 1, pp.95-108.
2009, "La raison graphique de Saussure", CAHIERS F. DE SAUSSURE, Droz, pp.23-42.
2009, “L’appropriation culturelle de la téléphonie mobile en Corée”, Hermès 55, pp.31-37.
2011, “Une rencontre singulière entre structuralisme et bouddhisme”, Protée Vol. 39. N. 2, pp. 19-30.
2012, "The Unstable Ecology of Memory in Digital Huamn Beings", Netcom, France, University of Le Havre, pp111-128.
2014, "The Emotionality in the Far-Eastern Calligraphy Essay on Semio-Phenomenology", Degres-Revue de Synthese a Orientation Semiology, DEGRES
2014, "Some remarks on the Semio-Anthropology of Writing", Chinese Semiotic Studies, DE GRUYTER, pp.43-55.
2016, "Antrhopological-Semiotics of Rhythm and Animating Modernity in China: A Rhythmanalysis of Princess Iron Fan", Semiotica, WALTER DE GRUYTER GMBH, pp.1-34.
2018,  "Les problemes de la traduction du cours de linguistique generale dans le monde de l'ecriture chinoise", CAHIERS DE L'ILSL 58, University of Lausanne, 
2018,  "Une genealogie critique des theories de l'ecriture", SIGNATA 9, University of Liege, pp.152-192.
2018,  "An Ecological Approach to The Digital Writing: Some Remarks on The Agency of Digital Writing", Episteme 19, pp.176-196.
2019,  "Gender representation in Iranian English language   coursebooks", English Today, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, Online (SSCI).
2019, "A Non-Anthropocentric Approach to the digital writing", Netcom RESEAUX COMMUNICATION TERRITOIRE, 33-1/2, pp.1-20.
2021. “Semiotic analysis of the Balwoo gong yang”, Nouveaux Actes Semiotiques 124. 
Publié en ligne le 11 janvier 2021
DOI : 10.25965/as.6830
Domestic Acadmeic Articles: 
1994, "Introduction to Peirce's Semiotics", Writers' World, vol.8, Paju: World Publishing Company, pp.423-449.
1994, "Keys to Reading Saussure", Theory, vol.8, Theory Publishing Co., pp.310-343. 
1994, "Saussurean Philology I", Journal of SCLLF, vol.29, Societe Coreenne de Langue et Litterature Françaises(SCLLF), pp.705-731. 
1995, "The Archeology of Signs", World Literature, Seoul: Minumsa, pp.17-49. 
1995, "La conception de le narrativite chez Saussure",  Journal of SCLLF, vol.30, Societe Coreenne de Langue et Litterature Françaises(SCLLF), pp.753-764. 
1995, "Greimas: The Semiotics of Narrativity", Contemporary Criticism and Theory, vol.9, Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Company, pp.106-125. 
1995, "The Nature of Contemporary Semiotics", Literature and Society, Winter, 1995, Seoul: Moonji Publishing Company, pp.1493-1521. 
1995, "Prolegomena to Saussure's Semiotics", Semiotic Inquiry, vol.1, Korean Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.11-38. 
1996, "The Archeology of Grammar", Korean Linguistics, vol.3, Association for Korean Linguistics, pp.11-33. 
1996, "The Echo of Umberto Eco's Semiotics", Contemporary Criticism and Theory, issue 11, Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Company, pp.55-77. 
1997, "Sign and Inference", Semiotic Inquiry, vol.3, Korean Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.351-379. 
1998, "The Categorization of Semiotics", Semiotic Inquiry, vol.4, Korean Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.64-94. 
1998, "Pragmatics and Semiotics: Especially on Abduction", Discourse and Cognition, vol.5, Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics Society of Korea, pp.23-40. 
1999, "Inside and Outside Semiotics", Contemporary Criticism and Theory, vol.17, Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Company, pp.11-38. 
1999, "Perception and Signification", Eastern and Western Culture, vol.32, Keimyung University Institute for Humanities, pp.47-80. 
1999, "Semiotics in Canada: History and Prospects", Korean Review of Canadian Studies, vol.5, Korean Association for Canadian Studies, pp.145-169. 
1999, "Sign, Universe, Love: The Naturalist Metaphysics of Peircean Semiotics", Contemporary Criticism and Theory, vol.18, Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Company, pp.11-41. 
2000, "The Abductive Nature of the Saussurean Method", Journal of SCLLF, vol.31, Societe Coreenne de Langue et Litterature Françaises(SCLLF), pp.305-316. 
2000, (Co-authored) "Ars Culinae: Prolegomena to Culinary Semiotics", Textlinguistics, vol.8, Textlinguistic Society of Korea. 
2000, "Biosemiotics", Semiotic Inquiry, vol.8, Korean Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.209-248. 
2000, "Chinese Writing and Digital Writing", Visual Culture, vol.2, Korean Association for Visual Culture, pp.54-78. 
2000, "Digital Language and the Transformation of Humanities", Critica, vol.2, Seoul: Thinking Tree Publishing Company. 
2000, "Digital Semiotics", Visual Culture, vol.1, Korean Association for Visual Culture. 
2000, "Mythology, Sign, Image", Narrative, vol.2, Korean Association for Narrative Studies. 
2000, "Prolegomena to a Poststructuralist Concept of Language", Science Concepts, vol.35, Seoul: Pyumyang Publishing Company. 
2000, "Speech, Writing, Image: Prolegomena to Syncretic Semiotics". Semiotic Inquiry, vol.7, Korean Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.41-102. 
2001, "The Landscape of Languages at the Commencement of the 21st Century", Universal Language, vol.2, Sejong Language Institute, pp.15-23. 
2001, (Co-authored) "Korean Language-etiquettes and Body-language", Semiotic Inquiry, vol.10, Korean Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.77-114. 
2001, "A Semiotic Approach to the Space of Hypertext", Sungkok Journal, vol.32, Sungkok Foundation, pp.225-326 
2002, "Ecosemiotics", Semiotic Inquiry, vol.12, Korean Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.175-206. 
2002, "Epistemology of Linguistic Relativity", Lingua Humanitatis, vol.3, International Association for Humanistic Studies in Language, pp.7-42. 
2002, "Interview with Umberto Eco", World Literature, vol.104, Seoul: Minumsa, pp.267-305. 
2002, (Co-authored) "A Linguistic Analysis on the Terminology of 'Tae-Kwon-Do' Kickings", Journal of KAHPERD, vol.41, Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance(KAHPERD), pp.63-79. 
2002, "Some Remarks on the Semiotics of Marketing and Branding", Korean Journal of Advertising, vol.13, Korea Advertising Society, pp.257-279. 
2002, "A Syncretic Semiotic Approach to Intermediality", Textlinguistics, vol.13, Textlinguistic Society of Korea, pp.29-56. 
2003, (Co-authored) "Collective Intelligence", Emerge, vol.47, Seoul: Emerge, pp.118-131. 
2003, (Co-authored) "The Future of Grammatology", Critica, vol.11, Seoul: Thinking Tree Publishing Company, pp.114-157. 
2003, "On the Identity of Korean Linguistics", Lingua Humanitatis, vol.5, International Association for Humanistic Studies in Language, pp.7-36. 
2003, "Semiotics of Politeness", Semiotic Inquiry, vol.13, Korean Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.111-161.. 
2003, "A Structural and Generative Approach to the Texts of Car Advertisements", Advertising Research, vol.59, Korea Broadcasting Advertising Corporation., pp.213-241. 
2004, "Derrida: From Difference to Ethics", Literature and Society, Winter, 2004, Seoul: Moonji Publishing Company. 
2004, "The Emergence of Deconstructivism: Testing New Language and Thought", Philosophy and Reality, Winter, 2004, Seoul: Philosophy and Reality Publishing Co. 
2004, "Semiotic Studies on Visual Identity", Semiotic Inquiry, vol.15, Korean Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.303-347. 
2005, (coauthored) "Etude sémio-comparative sur la stratégie de l'entreprise : autour de quelques importantes marques de Corée et de France", French Studies, vol.32, Société d'Etudes Franco-Coréennes. 
2007. "The immortality and the imperfection of Saussurian thinking”, Semiotic Inquiry, vol.21, pp.129-158. 
2007, "Brand Semiosis: Towards the Semiotics of Brand", Humanities and Languages Vol.9, Internatinoal Association for Humanistic Studies in Language, pp.233-252
2007, "Semiotic Approach to City Branding", Text Linguistics, The Textlinguistic Society of Korea, pp.303-337.
2007, "Metaphysics and Semiotics of the Human Voice", Korean Language and Literature, The Society of Korean Language and Literature, pp.181-209
2007, "Epistemological Style of the Saussurean Thinking", Semiotics, Korean Associatino for Semiotic Studies, pp.129-158.
2009, "Epistemological Beginning of Design Semiotics", Semiotics, Koeran Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.111-142.
2010, "Prolegomena to the Cultural History of Intermediality in Korea", Semitoics, Korean Associatino for Semiotic Studies, pp.9-36.
2011, "An Epistemological Examination on the Beginning and Essence of Writing", Visual Culture, Korean Association for Visual Culture, pp.183-217.
2011, "Semiotic Anthropology of Writing", French Language and Literature, Korean Society of French Language and Literature, pp.379-396.
2012, "Metropollis and Digital Media: Some Epistemological Reflections on the Augmented City", Society and Theoy, Korean Society for Social Theory, pp.67-95.
2013, "A New Light on the Saussurean Historical Geographic Linguistics: the Cornerstone for Creating a World-Language map.", Semiotics, Korean Associatino for Semiotic Studies, pp.29-58.
2013, "Mental Geometry and Modeling Vitality: a Prototypical theory of Calligraphy", Visual Culture, Korean Association for Visual Culture, pp.9-27.
2014, "Some Critical Remarks on the Urban Semiotics of Seoul", Episteme, Center for Applied Cultural Sciences
2014, "A New Semiotic Landscae in Augmented Urban Space: Towards an Archeology of Urban Inscription", Episteme, Center for Applied Cultural Sciences, pp.93-116
2015, "La ville Augmentée et l'avenir de l'écriture: épistémologie et archéologie des inscriptions urbaines dans l'ére numérique", Episteme, Center for Applied Cultural Sciences, pp.101-133.
2015, "The Archeaology of Iconic Clast: from Iconoclasm to Caricature", Visual Culture, Center for Applied Cultural Sciences, pp.51-76.
2016, "The Contagion as Transdisciplinary Research", Epistemem, Center for Applied Cultural Sciences, pp. 161-175.
2016, "Barthes and Images: beyond Visual Semiotics", French Langauge and Literature, Korean Socity for French Langauge and Literature, pp.11-259.
2017, "The Pedigree of Contagion Discourse in Frech Culture Theories", Episteme, Center for Applied Cultural Sciences
2017, "The Political Economic Discussion on Contagion and Immunity: Visual Culture, Korean Association for Visual Culture, pp.77-100.
2017, "The Issue of Listening Attentively in Foucault Ideas: Seeking for Establishing Listening Anthropology", Humanities and Languages, Internatinoal Association for Humanistic Studies in Language, pp.101-127.
2018, An ecological approach to the digital writing, Journal of Visual Culture 32, pp.5-41.
Academic Presentation & Invited Lectures:
International Acadmeic Presentation: 
2019.12. "Quand les machines produisent des signes narratifs",
Title of the Conference : Anthropogenie. De la technique a la
semiotique, Centre International de Conferences Sorbonne Universite.
2019.12. "La responsabilite des algorithmes", Title of the
Conference, La responsabilite, media, politique, relations,
organisations, PROPEDIA, School of IGIS, Paris.
2019.09. "A non anthropocentric concept of writing in the era 
of artificial intelligence" (KEY NOTE SPEECH), 14 TH
2019.02. "Semiotique spatiale de la maison traditionnelle
coreenne", invited conference, Department of East Asian
Studies, University of Geneve. 
2018.06. "An ecological approach to digital writing",  Title of
the Conference, Reseaux sociaux, traces numeriques, et
communication electronique, University of Havre.
2017.09, " The Temporal Choreography of Seoul ", in IA 2017
Seoul World Architects
2017.07, "Foucault and the Ethics of Listening", in International Conference of Pragmatics
2017.06, "Semiotics and Intelligence", "L'actualite de la semiotique de Greimas piur les sciences de l'urbanisme", "Les Fondatiions epistemologiques pour une semio-anthropologie de la contagion" in 13th IASS Congress
2017.05, "Semiotics of Contagion", in International Conference of Greimas
2017.05, "The Contagion as a Research Program of Structural Semiotics", in Greimas aujourd'hui: l'avenir de la strucature
2017.02, "An Environmental Humanity Based Inquiry on the Correlation between Urban Resilience and Sustainability, in the 2nd Preliminary Research Projects Conference 
2017.02, "The Anthropology of Living", in Future Automatic Evolving Urban City Conference
2017.01, "Semio-Anthropology of Contagion", in De la contagion des ideas a la diffusion des cultures
2017.01, "The Role of Didactic Epistemology in Delivering General Linguistic Knowledge", "The Issue on the Translation of General Linguistics in East Asia"  in Le cours de linguistique generale 1916-2016
2016.07, "Archeology in Metaphorical Eutopia of Urban Space", in Utopies et forms de vie 
2016.03, "The Ambiguity of a Contested Place" in 10th Design Principles & Practices
2016.03, "Transdisciplinary Program for Contagion", in Dream and Power in the Digital Age in Tokyo University 
2016.03, "Giftedness and Poverty in South Korea" in Talents in Motion, ECHA
2015.09, "Visual Representation of the Body and East Asian Modernity" in Encoding Cultural Resources, Japan
2015.07, "Humanistic Approach to Ecological Restoration" in Mediations Semiotiques, France
2015.07, "The Transfer of Significance of Icon", "Some Elements of Asceticism in Korean Buddhist Ritual Gesture" in 33rd ISSR Conference – International Society for Sociology of Religion: Sensing Religion
2015.01, "L'ecriture dans la ville augmentee", in Ecritures et recits, sens et images de l'espace urbain
2014.09, "A Genealogy of French Design Semiotics", "Urban Semiotics of Some Historic Traces and Their Restored Meanings in Seoul", in 12th World Congress of Semiotics
2014.09, "L'intermedialite dans les traditions de l'extreme-orient" in Regional Conference of the International Association for Visual Semiotics 2014
2014.08, "Geographic Linguistics of Saussure", in 13th International Conference on the History of the Languages and Sciences
2014.05, "The Tradition of Inter-media in Asia", in Hybrid Reading, Japan
2013.12, "Jongmyo Shrine in a Spatial Semiotic Study" in Transmissions, Propedia, France
2013.16, "Semiotics in Calligraphy" in Semiotique and Sychronie, France
2012.10, "The Metaphysics of Simplicity: Several Semiotic Reflections on Spatial Modeling of Jongmyo", "Some Semiotic Elements on the History of the Korean Typography: Towards the Grammatology of Korean Writing", "Writing, Body, the Universe" in The 11th World Congress of the International Associatino for Semiotic Studies
2012.06, "The Unstable Ecology of Oblivion in Digital Human Beings", in La Communication Electronique 
2012.03, "Metapolis Urbanization of Digital Media", in Visualist 2012 in Turkey
2012.02, "Semi-Anthropological Notes on Haptic and Tactile technologies", in Journee d'etudes franco-coreenne in France
2011.09. “Réflexion sémiotiques sur la ville augmentée”, International Association of visual semiotics Lisbon.
2011.08, “Epistemology of authenticity in ecological restoration”, Internal society of ecological restoration, Merida.
2007.09, “The Semiotics of City Branding”, 2007 Asia Communication & Media Forum, , Asia Media Research Center, Communication University of China. 
2006.10, “New Cultural Landscape of Mobile Telephony : Body, Mobility and Lifestyle”, Mobile and Pop Culture in Asia, Asia Culture Forum 2006, pp. 171-190.
2006.08, “Some epistemological remarks on the cultural ecology of the mobile media”, a harmonious world & mass media, Asia Media Research Center, pp.21-22.
2006.07, “The perspective of Peirce on the semiotic syncretism of hypermedia” , Peirce and image, International Association for Italy Urbino Semiotic Studies, pp.7-8.  
2006.05, “Semiotics of Natural Catastrophe Discourse in a Post-Tsunai World: Representing the Sciences in Media”, Public Communication of Science and Technology Network, pp.37.
2006.04, “Semiotic essay on the signification of space of Seoul”, 4th International Science Conference, Korean Association for Semiotic Studies.
2005.12, “Synthetic Semiotics of Hypermediality: A comparative semiotic approach”, IRICS, pp.37.
2005.07, “The comparative epistemology of three naturalistic paradigms of meaning”, 9th International Cognitive Linguistic Conference, International Cognitive Linguistics Association
2005.06, “Semiotics of lifestyle brands”, stil as zeichen, Deutsche Geselshaft fur Semiotik.
2005.05, “The background of contemporary French philosophy”, The Current of French Philosophy, Korean Association for French Studies. Pp.19-37.
2004.07, “Some Remarks on the Abductive Inference: Prolegomena to the Theory of Cognitive Pragmatics”, Proceedings of The 2004 LSK, The Linguistic Society of Korea, pp.211-220.
2004.07, “Korean temple as a semiotic tresure”, les signes du monde, International association of semiotic studies, pp.324.
2004.07, “Some esthetico-semiotic aspects of Korean cuisine”, les signes du monde, International association of semiotic studies, pp.298.
2004.07, “Epistemology of intermediality”, les signes du monde, International association of semiotic studies. pp.53.
2003.07, “Linguistic pluralism and its barriers in the era of digital language”, 8th International pragmatic conference, abstracts, pp.63-64.
2003.07, “a narrative alternative to cognitive linguistics”, 8th international cognitive linguistics conference, International association of cognitive linguistics, pp.85.
2003.06, “The culinarary semiotics as a syncretic semiotics”, Images et sensorialite, Imagiges, pp.11.
2002.05, “The Word, The Image, The Rhythm: Prolegomena to a theory of synthetic semiotics”, University of Oxford.
2001.06, “Observations on the Predicative Structures of Visual and Verbal Metaphors”, The Discourse and Cognitive Linguistics Society of Korea, pp.203-217.
2001.04, “Les caracters chinois et le numerique”, Universite Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3, ISIC.
2001.04, “L'univers, le corps, le temple”, Semio 2001 (Resumes), Association francaise de semiotique, pp.61-62.
2001.04, “A propos de la naturalisation du sens”, Semio 2001 (Resumes), Association francaise de semiotique, pp.76-77.
1999.06, “La cuisine, le rhythme, l'univers”, 7th International Semiotic Conference, IASS, pp.216-217.
1999.06, “The aesthetic phenomenology of abduction”, 7th International Semiotic Conference, IASS.
1998.06, “The abduction as a model of cognitive pragmatics”, 6th International Pragmatics Conferences, International Pragmatics Conferences.
1998.06, “Prolegomene a la semiotique de la politesse”, International Institute for semiotics, International Semiotics Institute.
1998.06, “The abduction as a model of cognitive pragmatics”, Abstracts of 6th International Pragmatics Conference, International Pragmatics Association.
1997.06, “The Form of Politeness As a Chinese Semiotics: a Semiotic Approach to the Concept of Politeness”, Abstracts of the papers of the 2nd East Asian International Semiotic Seminar, East Asian International Semiotic Seminar. pp.81.
1993.06, “Trois Concepts de Realisme”, ICHoLS VI, International Conference on the History of Language Science(Georgetown University), pp.33-34.
Domestic Presentation:
2018.03. A transdisciplinary education program of the environmental humanities, OJEONG ECO-RESILIENCE, Korea University.
2018.03. Some fragments on the urban imaginaries, Title of the Conference: New Horizons of the Urban Imageries, Korean Association of Visual Culture. 
2017.11, "A Pluralist Approach to the Writing", in Korean Association for Semiotic Studies
2017.07, "Foucault and the Ethics of Listening", in International Conference of Pragmatics
2017.05, "Semiotics and Artificial Intelligence: in Search for Some Epistemological Interfaces", in Colloquium by Korea University Brain Engineering Department
2016.12, "The World of Writing", in Incheon World Writing Forum
2016.11, "Why Does Listening Matter?", in International Association for Humanistic Studies in Language
2016.11, "Homo Urbanus",in The Culture and City View of Incheon
2016.10, "Homo Spiritualis Artifex", in Korean Association for Visual Culture
2016.09, "The Issue of Listening in Foucault's Ideas", in 2016 Symposium of Center for Applied Cultural Sciences 
2016.06, "The Contagion of Culture", in Center for Applied Cultural Sciences
2016.04, "The Journey to Chauvet", in Korean Association for Visual Culture
2015.12, "Barthes and Images", in Korean Association for French Language and Literature
2015.09, "Penance and Body", in Korean Association for Visual Culture
2015.08, "Trace Humanities", in ACT Seminar
2015.07, "Saussure", in Korean Association for Semiotic Studies
2015.04, "The Archeology of Iconoclasm", in Korean Association for Visual Culture
2015.04, "A Humanistic Proposal and Examination on Safety" in Analysis of National Safety Costs and Benefit 
2015.02, "Freedom of Expression, Despair of Civilization, Irresolvable Cultural Difference", in Freedom of Expression and Multi-Culturalism
2014.12, The Paradigm of Affection in pre and post Saussurean Linguistics and Semiotics", in Korean Association for French Language and Literature
2013.11, "Humanistic Herritage of Saussure" in Korean Association for Semiotic Studies
2013.05, "Modality of Sensimeters" in 2013 Korean Society for Cognitive Science
2013.05, "The Research Model and Process Based on Humanities for Creative Development of Haptic Technology in 2013 in Korean Society for Cognitive Science
2013.04, "The Geometry of Mental and Vitality of Modeling", in Korean Association for Visual Culture
2013.02, "Basic Methodological Research for Developing Policies Based on Humanities", in Economics, Humanities, and Social Research Council
2012.09, "Some Fundamentals for the Archeology of Intermediality", in Respecification of Printing Media in the Age of Smart Media
2012.07, "A New Informational Landscape in Augmented Urab Space" in ICDIT
2012.07, "Humanities-Based Research Platform for the Development of Haptic Technologies" in ICIDT 2012
2012.06, "Some Fundamentals of Haptic Semiotics", in Homo Sensus, HK, Semiotic Association
2011.12, "The Issue on Memory in the Digital Era", in Humans and Society in a Digital-Confusion Society.
2011,11, "Haptic Epistemology", in Korean Association for Visual Culture
2011.11, "Derrida's Grammatology" in Yonsei University Writing Colloquium
2011.10, "City and Media", in Korean Association for Semiotic Studies
2011.07, "Some Methodological Elements in Visual Semiotics", in Ihwa Woman's University 
2011.06, "Social Media and Digital Cultural Evolution" in Chosun University
2011.04, "Tactile Humanities Drawing" in Center for Applied Cultural Science 
2010.11, "Semiotics of Affection", in Korean Association for Semiotic Studies
2010.09, "Language Unbounded", in Incheon Digital Festival 
2010.08, "The Issue on the Inter-Media in East Asian History", "The Public Text in East Asian Cityscape", in International Comparative Literature Association
2010.04, "Design for Korean Media History", in Korean Association for Semiotic Studies
2009.11, "Speech, Graphism, Writing: for Humanities of Writing", in Korean Association for Visual Culture
2009.11, "Tradition of Eastern Visual Image and Hypermedia", in Seoul Institute of the Arts
2009.10, "Image and Imagination" in Institute of Media Arts.
2009.10, "Reflection on Humanities of Digital Civilization", in 2009 Digital Leaders Forum
2009.07, "The Linguistic Landscape of East Asian Cities" in International Congress of Linguists
2008.05, "A Semiotic Study on the Linguistic Landscape of Major Cities in East Asia", in 2008 POSCO Asia Forum
2008.04, "A Retrospect on Linguistic Ecology of Urban Areas in East Asia", in Korean Association for Visual Culture
2007.06, "The Advent of Collective Intelligence and Noosphere" in 2007 Information and Culture Conference
2007.06, "Brand Semiotics", in AAA-KAS
2006.12, “Linguistic understanding of semiotics”, 33th Scientific Conference in Winter, Society of Korean Linguistics. pp.3-28.
2006.10, “How to read a Christian worship text: Dialogical process between a text and audience for communication”, 06’ Periodical Scientific Conference, Korean Society of Journalism & Communication Studies. pp.251-255.
2005.11, “Cultural features of mobile telephones”, Digital2, Samsung Economic Research Institute, pp.1-19.
2005.06, “Applied humanities”, Modern theory & 21c Humanities, University of Chung-Ang Humanities Institute, pp.1-18.
2005.05, “Some semiotic implications of hypermedia writing”, 05’ International Scientific Conference in Spring, Korean Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.21-38.
2005.05, “Cultural branding”, 05’ International Scientific Conference in Spring, French Association for Studies, pp.151-170.
2005.03, “Interface of Marketing Science & Cultural Science”, 05’ Scientific Conference in Spring, Korean Marketing Association, pp.29.
2003.11, “Linguistic approach to the brand names”, 03’ Scientific Conference in Autumn, Korean Marketing Association, pp.219-226.
2003.06, “Epistemological reflections on the identity of language studies in Korea”, Humanistic Studies in Language, International Association for Humanistic Studies in Language, pp.1-16.
2003.06, “Epistemology introspection for civilized semiotics”, 03’ Scientific Conference in Spring, Korean Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.45-71.
2002.11, “From intertextuality to intermediality”, Korean Association for Text Linguistic Studies, pp.5-20.
2002.10, “Interface between Marketing and Semiotics: some preliminary reflections on the generation of meaning in the market”, Korean Association for Advertising Studies, pp.106-120.
2001.05, “The semiotic approach to the marketing and the branding”, Korean Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.15-35.
2001.02, “The approach of synthetic semiotics to web”, Proceedings HCI 2001, `Korea Information Science Society, pp.877-882.
2000.12, “The emergence of dynamic semiotics”, Korean Association for French Studies, pp.3-24.
2000.12, “The Chinese writing and the digital language”, KIVIC Scientific Conference in Spring, KIVIC, pp.5-37.
2000.12, “The theory of semantic domains”, University of Seoul Linguistic Society, pp.15-38.
2000.11, “The semiotics of hypertext”, Scientific Conference in Autumn, Korean Association for Text Linguistic Studies, pp.43-67.
1999.01, “Image & Semiotics”, KIVIC.
1998.11, “Verbal Process and Perception: (on Semiotics and Cognitive Linguistics)”, University of Seoul Linguistic Society, pp.19-28.
1997.11, “Problems of categorization in Semiotics”, Semiotics & contiguity science, Korean Association for Semiotic Studies, pp.11-36.
1995.12, “The sign and the cognition: Peirce's Theory of Mind”, Hangul & Korean Data Processing, Korea Information Science Society, pp.240-243.
1994.12, “The Prolegomenon to Saussurean Semiotics”, French Semiotics, Korea Association for Semiotic Studies.
Organized International Academic Conferences:
2005-2017, Organized 14 international academic conferences participated in by 9 countries 
(France, Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, Taiwan, Spain, Italia, Iran) 
2005.05, New Ecology of Media: Anthropological and Epistemological Reflections 
2007.04, Saussure's 150th Anniversary International Conference, Saussure's Presentity and DeModernity 
2008.04, For New Urban Poetics
20011.09, Symposium Commemorating the Opening Ceremony of Fusion Civilization Research "Fusion - New Civilizational Historical Representation"
2013.04, New Topography of Body Humanities: Body, Sensation, Media
2013.11, Humanities heritage of F. de Saussure thoughts
2013.11, Tokyo University International Workshop: BODY, MEDIA, IMAGE
2014.04, Where is Culture Going?
2015.10, Two Diagnoses of Modern Civilization: Bernard Stiegler vs. Hidedaka Ishida
2015.10, Collision of Civilizations and Collision of Icon: Cultural tension of images and narratives
2016.10, New Prospect of Technology and Visual Culture
2016.12, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Knowledge Revolution: Exploring Transdisciplinarity
2017.04, the First Symposium between Korea University and Tarbiat ModaresUniversity: Intercultrual Understanding and Communication between Iran-Korea
2017.04, Image Geopolitics and Cultural Heritage
Organized Domestic Academic Conferences:
2006-2016, Organized 18 domestic academic conferences 
2006.09, Area, Method, Experiment of Applied Humanities
2006.12, Cultural Thoughts and Cultural Practice
2007.03, Humanistic Vision on Urban Space
2007.10, Urban Aesthetics and Urban Space
2007.12, Semiosis and Episteme
2008.10, Country and Image
2009.11, Letters, Images, and Power
2010.02, Kunst Philosophy
2010.05, New Prospect in Advanced Image Technology and Visual Culture
2011.04, Anthropology of Tactile Sense: Symposium on Culture Integration of Tactile Sense
2011.09, Humanistic discovery of sense
2011.10, SNS and New Media
2011.11, Aesthetics of tactile sense
2012.05, Interdisciplinary Inquiry of Tactile Senses: an Integrated Approach to Humanities, Engineering, and Medicine 
2012.12, Convergent Exploration of Tactile Experience and Utilization
2014.11, New Prospect in Thoughts of C. S. Peirce
2016.04, Anthropology of Image I
2016.10, Anthropology of Image II
Fellowships and Grants:
1986, Award for Best Article (undergraduate category) in the January competition organized by Korea University Journal
1994, Mouton d'Or Grand Prize for the paper in Semiotica (IASS)
1996 (December)-1997 (February), Research grant attributed by the French Foreign Minister (Etudes de Haut Niveau)
1996, Award for Best Translation (for Grammatology), from Hankook Ilbo and Korea Association of Edition
1998 (January-February)  Grant for the Canadian Studies attributed by the Canadian government
1998, Nominated for Superior Scholarly Books (for Lectures on Contemporary Semiotics), from Ministry of Culture & Tourism
2000, Sunggok Foundation Grant
2001-02, LG Yonam Foundation Research Fellowship for Professors Studying Overseas
2006, Research grant attributed by Samsung Intitute of Economics
2007 (Winter), Invited Visiting Professor, University of Aix-en-Provence, Dept. of the Audio-visual (funded by the ASEM-DUO Program)
2007-2008, POSCO Foundation Research Fellowship for Human and Social Sciences (Asian Scholars)
2008-2009, Fulbright Senior Fellow 
2018-2020. Research grant attributed by the CESS  (SK) 
Research Projects (with fellowships or Grants): 
1995-96, Structuralist Revolution (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
1995-98, Reception of Western Linguistics in Korea and its epistemological transformation (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
1998-99, Bio-semiotics (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
1999-00, A Semiotic Analysis of Logos and Trademarks (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
2000-01, Semiotic study on writing space of hypertext (funded by Sungkok Academic Cultural Foundation)
2000-01, Understanding Visual Culture (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
2000-01, An Introduction to Ecological Semiotics (funded by Korea University)
2001-02, A Semiotic Study of Visual Identity: Focusing on the Structure and Meaning of Corporate Logo (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
2003-04, Semiotics (founded by Korea University)
2003, Cheil Communications Project on Brand Communication (funded by Cheil Communications)
2004, LG Global Branding Concept Project (funded by LG)
2005, The Semiotic Composition of French and Korean Companies: Brand Communication Strategies(funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
2005-07, Semiotics Based approach to state branding of Korean Cultural Image in Europe (funded by Korea University and National Research Foundation of Korea)
2005-07, Semiotics Based State Branding Strategy (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
2006-07, Semiological approach of urban branding (funded by Korea University)
2005-07, Applied Culture Studies Association (Interdisciplinary Study Group) (funded by Korea University)
2007, EU cultural content development status survey (funded by Association of Northeast Asian Nations)
2007-08, 2007 Support Program for Center for Applied Cultural Sciences (CASS) (funded by Korea University) 
2007-08, A Study on Social Semiotics of Language Landscaping in Major Cities in East Asia (funded by POSCO TJ Park Foundation)
2007-08, Semiotic Exploration of Urban Space: an Integrated Approach of Epistemology, Aestetics, Ecology (first year) (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
2008-09, Epistemological genesis of design semiotics (founded by Korea University)
2008-09, Development of regional code and execution model to enhance Korea's national image (funded by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism)
2008-09, Semiotic Exploration of Urban Space: an Integrated Approach of Epicology, Aesthetics,   Ecology (second year) (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
2009-10, 2nd stage BK21- (National treasury) Linguistic Theory Application Team (funded by Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development)
2009, Change of Recognition Method following the Normalization of Image Contents (funded by Korea Information Society Development Institute)
2009-10, Development of design humanities curriculum for undergraduates (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea) 
2009-10, Semiotic Exploration of Urban Space: an Integrated Approach of Epistemology, Aesthetics, Ecology (third year) (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
2010, Epistemological Introspection on the Origin and Nature of Writing (funded by Korea University)
2010, Changes in aesthetics with media changes and aesthetic characteristics in the age of convergence (funded by Korea Information Society Development Institute)
2010-13, Semiotics in Hangeul Characters: Composition principle, typography, interchangeability (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
2010-12, Humanistic imagination of ecological restoration (funded by ASAN Foundation)
2010, 2010 Humanities-sponsored organization support project (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea) 
2010, 2011 Humanities-sponsored organization support project (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea) 
2010-11 Trans-disciplinary Studies on the sense of touch (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
2010-11, Citizen Arts and Humanities: the Meeting Art and Humanities for the Aesthetic Community (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
2011-13, Establishment of an industry-university cooperation model based on humanities and societies for creative haptic technology - Convergence research of humanities, sociology, engineering, medicine and arts (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
2012, Research on Fundamental Methodology for Developing Creative Policy Based on Humanities: Building a New Paradigm of Public Humanities (funded by National Research Center for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences)
2012-14, Multidisciplinary Review on Integral Social Order (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea) 
2012-14, Building a visual archive of modern East Asian body language representations, establishing the concept of image information, and cultural map (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
2013-14, [Planning / New] Policy Research and Humanistic Methodology: Toward the Establishment of "Policy Humanities" (funded by Korea University)
2013, Research on Sustainable Social Development through the Integration of Humanities and Social Sciences: Building a Paradigm of Environmental Humanities and its Application in Public Policy (funded by National Research Center for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences)
2013-15, An Introduction to East Asian Media Culture History (funded by Seonam Foundation)
2014-15, Some Remarks on the Urban Semiotics of Seoul (funded by Korea University)
2014, Research and Development of Liberal Arts Education Program for Creativity and Innovation: Mapping Ecosystem for Realization of Creative Liberal Arts Education Knowledge (funded by National Research Center for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences)
2014-17, Landscape Semiotics (funded by Korea University)
2014-17, Anthropology of Sensation: Ecology, Recognition, Application Order (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea) 
2015, Humanistic Examination and Suggestions for Improvement of Safety Culture in Korea: Establishment of Theoretical Foundation of Safety Humanities and Its Implication for Policy (funded by National Research Center for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences)
2016-17, Semiotic Thinking Experiment on Nuclear Waste (funded by Korea University)
2016-17, Anthropological Horizon of Listening: Problem of Attentive hearing in Foucault's Self Care (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
2017-18, A Study on Spatial Semiotics of East Asian Gardens (funded by Korea University)
2015-18, Research on the Integrated Contagion Studies: From Paradigm to Application (funded by National Research Foundation of Korea)
학회 이력
세계 아시아 기호학회 초대 창립 회장: 2022.02.25 - 2025.02.24
세계 기호학회 (IASS) 부회장: 2014.09.15 - 2024.09.14
한국 영상문화학회 회장 역임: 2015.01.01 - 2017.12.31
한국기호학회 회장 역임: 2013.01.01 - 2014.12.31
강연 이력
제 18회 세계 화용론 학회 발표: 2023.07.13
북유럽 대학 초청 특별 순회 강연: 2023.01.29 - 2023.02.10
CNRS - 동아시아 문명의 그라마톨로지 총 3회 강연: 2020.11.01 - 2021.01.31
스페인 라쿠루나 문과대학 비교문학 세미나 초청 특별 강연: 2020.03.06
제 14차 세계 기호학회 기조발제: 2019.09.13
일본 기호학회 제 34회 대회 강연 – 도쿄 국립대학: 2014.05.25
Regional consultation for the ASIAPA 디지털 공동번영 사회: 10월 16일~17일  
인류세 시대의 새로운 인간학: 8월 16일~18일  
18th International Pragmatics Conference, GPT의 화용론에 대한 몇 개의 성찰: 7월 9일~8월 14일  
Ai 시대 인문학 르네상스를 향해: 5월 26일  
스웨덴 룬드 대학교 인지 기호학 세미나 인공지능 시대 탈서사성: 서사 행위 주체성을 중심으로: 2월 9일  
핀란드 국립 헬싱키 대학교 기호학 세미 인공지능 시대의 언어 자본주의: 언어와 기계: 2월 6일  
Sustainable development Seminar 동아시아의 정원의 기호 인류학: 2월 1일  
국립 핀란드 탐페레 대학교 정규 세미나 언어 자본주의와 번역의 미래: 1월 30일  
프랑스 국립 연구소 CNRS 산하 연구실 한국 최초의 한국어 문법과 불한사전의 고고학적 접근: 1월 20일  
제 18회 세계 화용론 학회 발표 - GPT의 화용론에 대한 몇 개의 성찰: 7월 13일
15th World Congress of Semiotics 대통령 사무실의 이전을 둘러싼 상징 투쟁: 8월 30일~9월 3일  
The Glocal Conference on Mediterrani 디지털 시대에 있어서의 언어 자본주의: 7월 19일~11월 23일  
유럽 언어 인류학회 탈서사성: 7월 19일~24일  
Atelier international de semiotique 초학제성으로서의 기호학: 6월 16일~18일  
The rise of the Asia 2022 코비드의 생명 정치: 2월 9일~11일  
Decrire les langues d'Asie 19세기 초 프랑스 선교사들의 한국어 기술: 1월 26일~28일  
Seminar of the Laboratory of the HTL 비인간중심적 문자학: 인식론적 요소: 1월 7일  
Webinar session 언어 지정학: 12월 22일  
International symposium for the Asian 아시아 기호학의 정체성: 11월 27일  
IChOLS XV 소쉬르 형태 통사론의 미완성 작업: 8월 23일~27일  
CNRS 초청 김성도 교수 강연 동아시아 문명의 백터로서의 서예: 12월 4일  
CNRS프랑스 국립연구원 초청 특별 강연 문자 상호매체성의 고고학: 그래피증의 특이한 모험: 11월 27일  
스페인 국립대학 라쿠루나 문과대학 비교동아시아 미학: 건축과 서예: 3월 6일  
스페인 라코루나 국립대학 건축학부 초출동아시아 정원의 기호 인류학: 3월 5일  
수상 이력
우수학술도서: 2004.01
대한민국학술원 우수학술도서 (번역서): 2004.01
우수학술도서: 2003.01
우수학술도서: 2002.10
우수학술도서: 1998.10
한국 출판 문화상 (번역 부문 대상): 1996.10
Semiotica誌 최우수 논문상 Mouton d'Or: 1994.01
고려대학교 전국 대학생 현상 논문 당선: 1986.03.20
각종 위원회 이력
디지털소사이어티 문화분과 위원장: 2022.10.28 - 현재
세계 기호학회지 [세미오티카] 편집위원: 2010.01.01 - 2021.12.31
대한민국 국회 입법고시 언어논리영역 출제위원: 2017.12.21 - 2018.12.21
한국연구재단 학술지 발전위원회 산하 전문평가단 위원: 2015.05.28 - 현재
한국연구재단 어문학단 전문위원: 2010.05.17 - 2012.05.16
교육과학기술부 학술지원사업 추진위원회 위원: 2012.01.16 - 2012.12.31
기타 학술 활동
이란 국립 테헤란 대학 겸임교수 임명: 2021.08.31 - 2024.07.31
파리 대학 및 CNRS 공동 초청 연구 교수: 2020.09.01 - 2021.01.31
파리 외무성 주관 연구자 프로그램: 2020.09.01 - 2021.01.31
고려대 영재 교육원장 역임: 2015.10.01 - 2017.09.01
캠브리지 대학교 방문교수: 2012.08.01 - 2013.02.28
포스코 아시안 펠로우: 2007.09.01 - 2008.08.31
하버드 대학교 방문교수: 2001.08.01 - 2002.07.31
Fulbright Senior Fellow: 2001.08.01 - 2002.07.31
LG 연암 문화 재단 교수 해외 연수 프로그램: 2001.08.01 - 2002.07.31
고려대 응용문화 연구소장: 2009.08.01 - 2018.07.31